Reference Genrich C, Mello MAR, Silveira FAO, Bronstein JL, Paglia AP. (in press). Duality of interaction outcomes in a plant-frugivore multilayer network. Oikos. Country Brazil Biome Cerrado Site Mangabeiras Municipal Park, Serra do Rola Moça State Park, and Serra do Curral Municipal Park Coordinates 9°56’S - 43°54’W, 20°55’S - 44°58’W, and 19°57’S - 43°55’W Type of system Plant-frugivore multilayer network, including interactions of seed dispersal and seed destruction Data collection Small mammal sampling with live traps, fecal analysis, tetrazolium test of seed viability Observations "The network in the tab ""pajek"" is formated as a multilayer edge list for opening in the program Pajek."